Find a Chiropractor


A Professional Association for Chiropractors

For Patients.....

Are you looking for a safe and natural solution to back, neck and shoulder pain, sciatica, headaches and migraines, or minor sports injuries?

Then you have come to the right place.

Chiropractors are committed, highly educated primary health care professionals focused on helping you to be as active and healthy as possible.  An underlying principle of chiropractic is that a healthy spine facilitates a healthy life.

Chiropractors practice a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care that includes patient examination, diagnosis and treatment. By offering expert drug-free spinal health care, dietary and lifestyle advice, chiropractors help you to lead a healthy life and maintain wellbeing.

For Chiropractors and Students.....

Not a member? See our membership fees at a glance

Student membership is FREE regardless of which chiropractic college you attend.


McTimoney or low force techniques only? Premiums start at just £179

Not a member? 

  • Call us for a chat on 01491 739 120, or

  • Email us at, or

  • Complete the application form HERE

Seminars for Chiropractors Coming up:

Learning With Others Series ..........

Next up .................

Rehab your Patient

Stretching & Rehabilitation Exercises for your entire patient list with Matt Rickett

Saturday 26th April 2025
Holiday Inn, Peartree, Oxford

Full day practical workshop with certification - £130 (including lunch and refreshments)


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